Friday, September 28, 2012

Peppermint for a headache??? You bet!  

My husband had a migraine this afternoon, so we proceeded to do the pack for the eye and peppermint.  Interestingly enough, he had always just applied it to his temples and back of the neck.  But this time he had me hold my hands over his nose and he breathed it in.  Literally, within moments, it was completely gone!!  This was the first time that this has happened so quickly and the first time he inhaled the peppermint.  You have to understand that these headaches would usually last 4-6 hours with medicine!  He kept saying,"I think it's going away"!  Then, it completely left!!  I just wanted to share this,  because I know so many people who suffer with different types of headaches.  God has given us these wonderful essential oils...lets start using what is natural and actually works!  Remember, every situation is different and different headaches will respond differently to each oil.  Be patient!  Keep trying the is worth it!  My husband always asks for me to apply the oils...every time!  After the headache was gone, his stomach didn't feel quite right so I made him tea and placed a drop of peppermint oil in it!  Voila...stomach all better!  Make sure you only use Therapeutic Grade Essential Oils. Of course I only use Young Living since they are fully safe, Therapeutic Grade, and of highest quality!

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Simple Steps to a Toxin Free Home

Guest post by Stacy McDonald

Simple Steps to a Toxin Free Home

NOVEMBER 9, 2011
Sometimes it may seem overwhelming. We are bombarded daily with chemicals that pose health risks to us and our families—in our foods, in our cleaning products, in skin care products, even in the air we breathe. What are they trying to do—poison us? No. They’ve just been giving us what we want. If we didn’t buy it, they wouldn’t sell it.
In fact, maybe I’m being too optimistic, but I’m beginning to see small glimmers of hope here and there. As I’ve noticed an increased availability of organic foods and natural cleaning products; healthier foods being integrated into the regular shelves at the grocery store; and even dye-free Icees at the movie theater, I have to wonder whether or not some companies are finally beginning to “get it!” I almost fell over recently when I saw a bottle of a popular brand of ketchup that advertised right on its label, “No High Fructose Corn Syrup”!
But, we have a long way to go. If you’re like me, for too long, you’ve “hoped” that the mystery ingredients on the labels of most of your foods, cleaners, and skin care products are safe. You ignore articles and reports that warn you about what’s in your favorite fast foods and think to yourself, “Maybe if I close my eyes it won’t hurt me.” But, as Christians, we know better than to think this way. And we need to pay attention! Take some time to look up ingredients and find out what legitimate studies have been done on them. While some chemicals may be harmless, others may be slow-acting poisons. Here are just a few common red flag ingredients (there are many more!):
  • DEA (Diethanolamine) – Found in more than 600 home and personal care products, such as shampoos, conditioners, bubble baths, lotions, cosmetics, soaps, laundry, and dishwashing detergents. Suspected of carcinogenic activity (causing or contributing to cancer) or of being potentially dangerous or hazardous to your health.
  • Propylene Glycol – The main ingredient found in anti-freeze; also common in shampoos, deodorants, cosmetics, lotions, toothpastes, processed foods, baby wipes, and many more personal care items. Implicated in contact dermatitis, kidney damage, and liver abnormalities; can inhibit skin cell growth in human tests and can damage cell membranes causing rashes, dry skin, and surface damage.
  • Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS) – Industrial uses include concrete floor cleaners, engine degreasers, and car wash detergents. Also found in shampoos, liquid soaps, conditioners, cleansers, and children’s bubble baths. SLS is found in nearly all toothpastes (it is what causes your toothpaste to foam see here), and is absorbed through skin contact and retained for up to five days. Click HERE to read more.
  • Talc—Chemically similar to asbestos, talc has been linked to ovarian cancer. It’s found in many body and baby powders, as well as many cosmetics. Try making your own Dusting Powderinstead!
Do perfumed cleaners, soaps, and harsh chemicals ever give you a headache or irritate your skin? Some people tend to be more sensitive than others, but we are all affected to some degree by what we put on our skin and inhale into our bodies.
It may not be possible or cost effective to avoid all of these chemicals in your cleaning and personal care products (I know I’m not there yet!), but my goal is to at least reduce my family’s exposure to them. I have found using therapeutic-grade essential oils to be a safe, effective alternative to many store-bought cleaning and skin care products—and I love the way they smell!
Essential Oils Suggested for Cleaning:
Singles: Cinnamon, Orange, Clove, Eucalyptus, Thyme, Spruce, Lemon, Lemongrass, Grapefruit
Blends: Thieves, Purification, Citrus Fresh
Making your own household cleaners and air fresheners is easy! Check out the following simple recipes…
Household Cleaner:
  • Fill a spray bottle with 1 cup white vinegar and 10 drops each of lavender, lemon, and pine essential oils. Allow oils to blend, then add 2 cups of purified water.
  • Shake before each use.
Young Living’s Thieves® Household Cleaner is also an excellent choice. It can be mixed 1 part cleaner to 30 parts water and smells fantastic! A great choice during cold and flu season!
Floor Cleaner:
  • Add 1/4 cup white vinegar to a bucket of water. Add 10-15 drops lemon, pine, or spruce essential oils. Or 10-15 drops of the essential oil blendsThieves or Purification.
Bathroom Spray:
1 quart spray bottle
4 drops Rosemary
4 drops Lemon
6 drops Eucalyptus
8 drops Lavender
3 C. purified water
1 C. vinegar
Put water into spray bottle and add each of the essential oils. Shake before using. This spray can be used to clean surfaces in the kitchen and bathroom. I leave a small squirt bottle in each bathroom as a fresh smelling natural air freshener.
Air Freshener
Mix essential oils with the alcohol first and then add the purified water. This can also be used as a “pillow spray” for freshening linens or laundry baskets:
  • 1/2 C. vodka
  • 1/2 C. purified water
  • 15-20 drops of one or more of the following essential oils:
  • Harmony
  • Peace and Calming
  • Sacred Mountain
  • Lavender
  • Lemon
  • Thieves
  • Purification
  • Citrus Fresh
Window cleaner:
  • 1 quart spray bottle
  • 1 C. White Vinegar
  • 10-15 drops of Lemon, Orange, Tangerine, Geranium, Lavender (or your favorite) Essential Oil
  • 1 C. water
Add vinegar and water to the spray bottle. Add essential oils, shake, and use.
Natural cleaners like these are great for little housewives in training. No need to worry about breathing fumes, or harsh chemicals touching their little hands!
Stain Removal:
  • Rub a drop or two of Lemon essential oil into stain, wait a few minutes, and launder.
  • Another option is Thieves Household Cleaner. Try putting a dab of the concentrate on the stain (this may work on old grease stains too), rub in, let sit for a minute, and launder. (Do do not let the Thieves Cleaner stay full strength on a stain for more than a couple minutes before laundering).
In the Dryer:
  • Instead of using dryer sheets, add 5-10 drops of lavender, lemon, bergamot, sandalwood, geranium, or other YL essential oil to a dampened washcloth and toss into the dryer.
Tiny Ant Repellent:
1 quart spray bottle
15 drops Purification essential oil blend
10 drops Peppermint essential oil
Fill spray bottle with water, add essential oils, shake, and spray.
Put several drops of both Purification and Peppermint on a cotton ball and set the cotton ball in a corner of your pantry shelf or cabinet to deter insects and rodents. Cedar oil is also a very good insect repellent.
Shopping List
  • Water bottles (different sizes)
  • Purified Water
  • White Vinegar
  • High Proof Grain Alcohol (Vodka)
  • Lavender essential oil
  • Lemon essential oil
  • Clove essential oil
  • Rosemary essential oil
  • Orange essential oil
  • Pine essential oil
  • Eucalyptus essential oil
  • Cinnamon essential oil
  • Thieves® essential oil blend
  • Purification™ essential oil blend
  • Citrus Fresh essential oil blend
  • Thyme essential oil
So, now you know! Making your own cleaning products is easy and extremely cost efficient! Most of the recipes above use water or other inexpensive kitchen ingredients mixed with the essential oils. A 15ml bottle of Young Living essential oils contains about 250 drops of essential oil which means you can make your own natural cleaning products for a fraction of what it would cost in the stores.
If you have any questions or need further ideas, please contact me any time!
And, if you’re interested in getting therapeutic grade essential oils at wholesale prices, please CHECK THIS OUT or contact me!

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

What is `Therapeutic Grade'?


Guest Post by Stacy McDonald
February 9, 2012

The following is a modified version of a Guest Post from Robin Phillips at Grasping the Essence
Since the term “therapeutic grade essential oils” is not regulated by any independent group, what do I mean when I use the term? And what is the difference between the therapeutic grade essential oils provided by Young Living and other over-the-counter essential oils that claim to be ‘pure’?
The distinction is of utmost importance, since 90% of the essential oils marketed in the United States would not qualify. To start with, ‘therapeutic-grade’ is not simply an indication of purity. Young Living produces oils that have an unusually high concentration of therapeutic components. You can’t get that without having your own farms and doing your own distillations – or in the case of Frankincense, have access to the finest plants (trees) in the world.
To get these high concentrations of therapeutic components, Young Living uses a process that involves strict attention to detail right from the seeds sown to the plants harvested. This ensures that the oils they provide are the purest, most potent essential oils available. This precise, detailed method is known as the ‘Seed to Seal’ process.
Click the image below to enlarge:

Young Living essential oils are:
• 100% pure
• Sourced only from known botanical species
• Sustainably grown and harvested
• Grown on chemical-free lands in carefully nourished soil (organic)
• Unmatched throughout the essential oils industry
• So pure and natural, they’re used and recommended by integrative health professionals around the world
The fact that Young Living’s oils are organic is more important than food being organic. Since essential oils are the concentrated essence of the plant, any contaminants in the soil or on the plant will become present in the oil.
When we compare Young Living ’s ‘therapeutic-grade’ essential oils with the type of “pure essential oils” available at wholefood shops, we find significant differences in quality and purity. For example, the Essential Oils Desk Reference tells us that:
“Pure frankincense is often extended with colorless, odorless, solvents such as diethylphthalate or dipropylene glycol…unfortunately, a large percentage of essential oils marketed in the United States fall in this adulterated category. When you understand the world of synthetic oils, as well as low-grade oils cut with synthetic chemicals, you realize why unsuspecting people with their untrained noses don’t know the difference…
“Anyone venturing into the world of therapy using essential oils must use the purest quality oils available. Inferior quality or adulterated oils most likely will not produce therapeutic results and could possibly be toxic.”
The Four Grades of Oils
Basically, there are 4 grades of essential oils:
1. Grade A oils are pure, therapeutic, and superior quality. They are usually made from organically grown plants, and are distilled at the proper temperatures. “Virgin” soil may also be used.
2. Grade B oils are the most common essential oil and they are sometimes labeled as “pure.” However, they may still contain pesticides, fertilizers, synthetics, extenders, or carrier oils. While Grade B oils are considered “food grade,” I would never recommend ingesting these oils.
3. Grade C are perfume grade and usually contain the same type of adulterating chemicals as Grade B oils. They also often contain solvents which are used to gain a higher yield of oil per harvest. Solvents are not healthy. Still, these oils are sometimes used in aromatherapy or for making perfume products.
4. Floral Water is a byproduct of the distillation process. It can be very high quality if superior, organic material is used and it comes from a “Grade A” distillation process. However if it is from compromised raw materials and/or a poor distillation process, it will be a very low quality. Floral Water is often used for more expensive oils, such as Rose Oil, since it takes 5000 pounds of roses to make just one 1 pound of essential oil.
FDA Says Only 5% of Ingredient = ‘pure’
In her book, Their Leaves for Healing: The Divine Gift of Plants That Heal, Elizabeth Flores writes that:
90% of what is sold in the United States as ‘pure’ essential oil is fragrance-grade and diluted. (The FDA has determined that a product need contain only 5% of the ingredient on the label in order to use the word pure.) These oils are found on the shelves of many health food stores and at online discount houses. They may be less expensive, but they will not be useful for healing.
Questions to Ask
When trying to decide which quality of oils to buy, these are some of the questions that need to be asked (taken from The Essential Oil Desk Reference):
  • Are the fragrances delicate, rich, and organic? Do they “feel” natural? Do the aromas vary from batch to batch as an indication that they are painstakingly distilled in small batches rather than industrially processed on a large scale?
  • Does your supplier subject each batch of essential oils through multiple chemical analyses to test for purity and therapeutic quality? Are these tests performed by independent labs?
  • Does your supplier grow and distill its own organically grown herbs?
  • Are the distillation facilities part of the farm where the herbs are grown (so oils are freshly distilled), or do herbs wait days to be processed and lose potency?
  • Does your supplier use low pressure and low temperature to distill essential oil so as to preserve all of their fragile chemical constituents? Are the distillation cookers fabricated from costly food-grade stainless steel alloys to reduce the likelihood of the oils chemically reacting with metal?
  • Does your supplier personally inspect the fields and distilleries where the herbs are grown and distilled? Do they verify that no synthetic or harmful solvents or chemicals are being used?
  • Do your essential oils meet AFNOR or ISO standards?
  • How many years has your supplier been doing all of this?
  • Do your essential oils have a shelf life of just a few years? [If so, this means they are probably mixed with a carrier oil (like almond oil) that will go rancid.] This means the oil is certainly not pure.
  • Do your essential oils come from an edible plant, yet have a warning on them not to take them internally? [This is a huge red flag!]
“Here is an example of the importance of precise timing during distillation. Cypress has 280 known chemical constituents, and all 280 constituents must be present for Cypress to have medicinal and healing potency. If it is distilled for 20 hours, only 20 of the 280 properties are released. If distilled for 26 hours, none of the properties are released. Most Cypress available in the US market is distilled for about 3 1/2 hours. The correct length of time for distilling Cypress is 24 hours, releasing all 280 properties.” Debra Raybern

Taken from the Bio/Tech News newsletter:
About 98% of essential oils produced in the world today are not intended for serious, therapeutic and/or medicinal use. Most are produced for the perfume, cosmetics, and food industries. Therefore, criteria like purity, potency, organic, etc. are not important for these uses.
Because the raw materials and the extraction process for Therapeutic Grade Essential Oils are so expensive, many oils on the market have been cut, diluted and adulterated in various ways. Sad to say, some marketers bottle these poor quality oils and sell them for therapeutic purposes to unsuspecting consumers.
A Therapeutic Grade Essential Oil is more than a “certified organic” oil. It is an oil that is complete in the makeup of its constituents, having the fragrance, frequency, and chemistry that are necessary to give it all of its unique, therapeutic qualities and effects.
As we have already mentioned above, a quality, Therapeutic Grade Essential Oil is chemically complex and all of its sometimes fragile components need to be present after distillation of the final product. This requires not only a lot of understanding of the makeup of the oil on the production side but also a great deal of time and expense to care for the proper species of plant.
To insure proper potency, plants should be grown on virgin land, uncontaminated by chemical fertilizers, pesticides, fungicides or herbicides and away from pollution sources. The plant materials must be kept free of petrochemical herbicides and pesticides, since these can react with the essential oil during distillation.
The soil should be conditioned with enzymes, trace minerals, and organic bio-solids, since plants lacking in certain minerals and nutrients yield oils low in therapeutic value. Irrigation should be done with reservoir, watershed or mountain stream water.
Plants need to be harvested at the proper time of the season to insure highest potency. Sometimes even a few hours can make the difference. For example, German Chamomile needs to be harvested in the morning since it then yields an oil with far more azulene than when it is harvested later in the day.
The steam distillation method of extracting the oils from the plants requires careful and proper low temperature and pressure monitoring. Too high of temperature or too much pressure can be deleterious to the fragile aromatic molecules of the plant. In addition, batch sizes need to be kept small and the distillation chamber must be made out of food-grade stainless steel instead of copper or aluminum to avoid reactions with the oils.
Producing pure, Therapeutic Grade Essential oils is a costly venture. The methods required are time-consuming and labor-intensive, and it often requires several hundred, sometimes even thousands of pounds of raw plant material to produce a single pound of essential oil. For example, it takes 5,000 pounds of rose petals to produce one pound of rose oil, and it takes three tons of Melissa to produce one pound of oil.”
Read more HERE

Friday, August 10, 2012

Free Pocket Reference

Just a reminder, ladies...if you sign up in the month of August, with the Everyday Oils Collection, you will receive the Essential Oil pocket Reference for FREE!!!

View the Essential Oil Pocket Reference here:

Here is the Everyday Oils Essential Oil Collection:

I have found this oil collection to be extremely helpful with becoming familiar with God's gifts. My family uses many of these oils on a daily basis.

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Brain Power!

10% Off Sacred Frankincense

Find Your Focus With 10% Off Brain Power!

From August 1–31, save 10% on Brain Power™ essential oil blend! Use this cognition-boosting blend to improve your mental focus and clarity.

Brain Power: Do you sometimes find yourself struggling to focus on a task? With a powerhouse blend that includes frankincense, sandalwood, lavender, and melissa, Brain Power is carefully formulated to help sharpen focus, clear “brain fog” and negativity, promote memory, and increase alertness so that you can tackle any task that comes your way.

Item No. 3313—Brain Power Essential Oil Blend 5 ml

Promotional Pricing
Wholesale $50.17/ Retail $66.02/ PV 50.17


  • Offer is valid from 12 midnight, MT, August 1, 2012, to 11:59 p.m., MT, August 31, 2012.
  • No limit per customer.
  • Offer is available to Young Living Independent Distributors and retail customers.
  • Offer is valid on phone, Essential Rewards, and web orders only.
  • Offer does not apply to Essential Rewards point redemption orders.
  • Offer is valid in the U.S. and all NFR markets, except where restrictions prevent promotional product(s) from entering your country.
* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Friday, August 3, 2012

Spa Night

Ladies, don't forget to attend our Spa Night this evening at 7:00. We will not only be talking about essential oils, but trying them, diffusing them and even eating them!

Light snacks will be provided.
Just bring yourself and be ready to have fun!

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Seed to Seal

Young Living Essential Oil’s Seed to Seal™ Process

Learn What it Takes to Create One Bottle of Young Living® Essential Oil

Watch the Seed to Seal Video Strict attention to detail—from the seeds sown to the plants harvested—ensures that the oils you obtain from Young Living are the purest, most potent essential oils available. This precise, detailed method is known as the Seed to Seal process.


Seed Seed

Potent essential oils come from plant species that have been authenticated by Young Living experts. Species certification involves scientific research, field study, university partnerships, and on-site planting certification.

Cultivate Cultivate

Cultivate-imgThrough cultivation on the four Young Living farms, Young Living Essential Oils has mastered the creation of pure, potent essential oils. The company takes this knowledge around the world to co-op farms to certify that these farms’ growing processes meet Young Living’s strict quality standards.

Distill-imgDistill Distill

Young Living’s proprietary low-temperature, low-pressure steam distillation process ensures that the beneficial plant compounds in every batch of essential oil remain uncompromised during the extraction process.

Test Test

Test-imgEach essential oil must pass Young Living’s stringent testing to ensure the optimal bioactive natural compounds are present. Young Living uses its own internal labs, in addition to third-party audits, to verify that international purity and potency standards are met and surpassed.


Seal-imgSeal Seal

Young Living completes the Seed to Seal process by carefully sealing each bottle of essential oil before shipping them to members worldwide.

Friday, July 13, 2012

Make Your Own Sore Throat Spray


Guest Post by Stacy McDonald

April 13, 2012
1 oz. Vodka
1 oz. Purified Water
10 drops Thieves Essential Oil Blend
5 drops Therapeutic Grade Peppermint or Lemon essential oil
2 drops Stevia
Blend together and store in a dark glass spray bottle. Spray 1-2 squirts on the back of throat for soothing relief.
Only use therapeutic grade essential oils, since lower quality oils may be toxic.

Friday, July 6, 2012

Quieting the Mind with Vetiver

Guest Post by Stacy McDonald.
 January 13, 2012

I just started using therapeutic grade vetiver essential oil with my daughter, Abigail, who often struggles with sensory issues. She loves it, and it smells so nice. When we first opened the bottle, we weren’t sure what we thought; but, once we applied it, we were captivated by the mysterious scent, and found that we really loved it!
Vetiver is a very thick, dark and syrupy essential oil. The aroma is earthy, sweet, and full of life. It reminds me of an early morning walk through a lush green forest filled with damp grasses and wild herbs.

Like myrrh, vetiver oil has excellent fixative properties; therefore, it is often used in perfumes. Vetiver has a calming and soothing effect on the central nervous system and is a wonderful oil to help quiet an overactive, exhausted, or stressed mind. It is also said to be a good choice in helping to control anger, irritability, or neurotic behavior, as well as helping with insomnia.
Recently, while researching essential oils commonly used for treating ADD/ADHD/ and Autism, vetiver kept coming up. Many people feel very strongly that vetiver oil (along with several other choice oils) is making a huge difference in the lives of children with such disorders.
In the following study conducted in 2001 by Dr. Terry Friedman, several essential oils were used to treat ADD and ADHD. Vetiver was found to be the most effective in observations and brain wave scans – showing improvements in 100% of subjects! Cedarwood essential oil was 83% effective, and lavender 53%.
This case study was conducted for two years, from 1999-2001. Using Children between the ages of 6 to 12 years. Twenty subjects not diagnosed with ADD/ADHD were used as the control group. Twenty subjects with a confirmed diagnoses of ADD/ADHD were used as the study group.
Each group was pre-tested using a baseline evaluation with real time EEG and The T.O.V.A. Scale.
The essential oils chosen for the case study were Lavender, Vetiver, Cedarwood and Brain Power (a blend of Frankincense, Sandalwood, Melissa, Cedarwood, Blue Cypress, Lavender and Helichrysum.)
The oils were administered in this fashion: one of the oils were administered by inhalation 3 times a day for 30 days. An inhalation device was also used at night to administer a continuous inhalation of oil.
The subject then inhaled when needed, about 3 times during the day when they began to feel “scattered”. The inhalation of the oils proved to settle the brainwaves back into normal patterns and improved their scholastic performance and behavioral patterns.
Each subject was tested on each oil for 30 days and then reevaluated by testing. Then another oil was used for 30 days and reevaluated, until each of the oils had been tested. Lastly, oil combinations were used, each for a 30 day period. (Brain Power with Lavender, with Cedarwood, and Vetiver.)
The final results were: Lavender increased performance by 53%, Cedarwood increased performance by 83% and Vetiver increased performance by 100%.
This study was published in the American Medical Association Journal.

Vetiver encourages stimulation of the circulatory system and can help relieve stiffness from arthritis and muscle cramping. Treat yourself by massaging Vetiver into overworked muscles. It is also said to help heal cuts and scrapes more effectively and with less scarring. Some people add it to their face creams and lotions to revitalize mature, aging skin and rejuvenate wrinkly, irregular skin textures. Others may find it helpful in dealing with acne or skin blemishes.
Vetiver is among the oils highest in sesquiterpenes. Along with helping children control their behavior, it may also help anyone cope with stress, anxiety, or and in recovering from emotional trauma and shock.
Tourette’s Syndrome
“I tried the Vetiver for a tic that was bothering my son. I massaged it behind his ears and the tic stopped. I am not sure if you are familiar with Tourette’s, but this is amazing!! He still has his pesky regular ones, but the major annoying body jerking, and the fake hiccup tic that was making him become very upset, was instantly gone within a few seconds of this oil.
“I now want to know everything possible about essential oils!! I have signed up to be a distributor because as soon as I become knowledgeable enough to help my own family, I cannot wait to help others. This is truly a gift from God.
“I am so excited to have been introduced to the essential oils as an alternative. I cannot thank you enough for suggesting Vetiver for my son. I never would have imagined something so simple could have helped, and without side effects, FINALLY! Thank you.” – Amanda B.

Vetiver - 5ml

Wholesale $19.75
Retail $25.99
* This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease

Friday, June 29, 2012

Lemon Essential Oil - 15 ml

Item No: 3578
Customer Price: $13.82
Wholesale Price:$10.50

Lemon essential oil doesn't sound as fancy as some of the other oils and blends that are available, such as Puricication, Harmony and Deep Relief. Don't let it's name fool you, it has wonderful cleansing properties! With such a light, citrus scent, it is uplifting, yet calming.
 I recently came down with a horrible cold. Instead of taking all of the normal medications one would to kick it out of your system, I decided to try the Lemon oil (and gargle with hot water and salt).

Here's what to do: Drop 1-2 drops of Lemon Therapeutic Grade Essential Oil into an 8oz glass of water, stir and enjoy!
An added bonus, is the fresh lomeny flavor- delicious!

Here's what Young Living has to say about this amazing oil:


Lemon (Citrus limon) has a strong, purifying, citrus scent that is revitalizing and uplifting. Lemon consists of 68 percent dlimonene, a powerful antioxidant. It is delightfully refreshing in water and may be beneficial for the skin. Lemon may also be used to enhance the flavor of foods. Lemon essential oil is cold-pressed from the rinds of lemons. Jean Valnet MD estimated that it takes 3,000 lemons to produce one kilo of oil. In his book, The Practice of Aromatherapy, Valnet wrote that lemon is a tonic for supporting the nervous and sympathetic nervous system.* Lemon has an approximate ORAC of 6,619 (TE/L). TE/L is expressed as micromole Trolox equivalent per liter.

For dietary, aromatic or topical use. When using as a supplement, put one drop in a capsule or in 4 fl. oz. of soy or rice milk.
Possible skin sensitivity. If pregnant or under a doctor's care, consult your physician. Dilution recommended for both topical and internal use. Dilute before using on sensitive areas such as the face, neck, genital area, etc. Keep out of reach of children. Avoid using on infants and very small children. Avoid using on skin exposed to direct sunlight or UV rays. Do not use near fire, flame, heat or sparks.

  • Use 1–2 drops of lemon essential oil to remove gum, oil, grease spots, glue or adhesive, and crayon from most surfaces.
  • Combine 2–3 drops of lemon essential oil with water in a spray bottle to help cleanse and sanitize surfaces.
  • Place a drop of lemon essential oil on oily skin or blemishes to help balance oil glands and minimize oil production.
  • Soothe corns, calluses, or bunions by rubbing lemon essential oil on the affected area morning and evening.
  • Massage lemon essential oil into cellulite to help improve circulation and eliminate waste from cells.
  • Add lemon essential oil to your morning tea or breakfast shake for a refreshing pick-me-up.
  • Inhale lemon essential oil or place a few drops on a cotton ball to replenish your mind, body, and spirit.
  • Add 10–15 drops of lemon essential oil to a gallon of carpet cleaning solution to help pull out stains, brighten carpet and rugs, and leave a fresh smell in the room.
  • Add several drops of lemon essential oil to a chicken marinade for a delicious dinner.
  • Place a few drops of your favorite citrus essential oil on a cotton ball and put in the refrigerator to help eliminate odors.
  • Monday, June 25, 2012

    Cancer and Oils

    Cancer. It's a word that brings fear to many. My mother was diagnosed with breast cancer a few weeks ago. Today, I left her in the capable hands of a surgeon. She made it through and is in the recovery room. Praise Jesus! I am truly grateful. The next 24 hours may be difficult and painful, but, we can do all things through HIM who gives us strength! My daughter is anxious to start applying essential oils to her Nanny. So, she has chosen to use the following oils, due to their known ability to help with relaxation. Lavender and Thieves have antibacterial properties, which are wonderful to diffuse! Please keep my Mom in your prayers. We will be returning home soon. Be sure to stay tuned for the results. :) I have listed the ingredients of the blends beside their picture. -To use Peace and Calming, apply 2 drops to each foot. -Apply 2-3 drops of Valor to shoulders, you can also apply it to the back of your neck to relive tension. This is a great oil to massage with! -Lavender can be rubbed onto your wrists and behind your ears. Use 2-3 drops. With the excess oil, rub between your palms and cup your hands over your nose and inhale. -To use Thieves, which is not pictured below, apply 2-3 drops to bottoms of feet. This oil is useful to prevent viruses.


    Peace and Calming blend: tangerine, orange, ylang ylang, patchouli and blue tansy.


    This is what the Lavender looks like before the distillation process takes place.

    Valor blend: Spruce, rosewood, blue tansy  and frankincense in a base of almond oil.

    Thursday, June 21, 2012

    Natural Tub Scrub

    NATURAL TUB SCRUB Guest-post by Stacy McDonald. NOVEMBER 14, 2011 1 cup baking soda 1/2 cup liquid Castille soap 10-20 drops of essential oil (Thieves®, peppermint, rosemary, lemon, or Citrus Fresh™ ) Pour baking soda into a medium size bowl. Add your soap a little at a time, stirring constantly. Mix in your essential oils. Store in an airtight container and use to scrub tubs, sinks, and tile.

    Monday, June 18, 2012

    How to Make Your Own First Aid Spray

    Guest-post by Stacy McDonald.
    APRIL 12, 2012

    Stacy’s Boo Boo Spray
    2 oz. Aloe Vera Juice (or purified water)
    10 drops therapeutic grade lavender
    10 drops therapeutic grade geranium
    1 drop therapeutic grade frankincense (optional)
    Shake together well and store in a dark glass spray bottle.
    It is very important to use only therapeutic grade essential oils. Lower grade oils can be toxic and may actually burn the skin.

    Thursday, June 14, 2012

    Chocolate Peppermint Bars

    In our home we love chocolate!!! My daughter, Victoria, came up with this recipe that we make every couple of days!! The thing I like most about this recipe is that you don't need to feel guilty when enjoying a treat!! This is really quite heathy. The coconut oil, raw honey and oats are all wonderful ingredients! Enjoy!!

    1. 3 cups of coconut oil.
    2. 1/2 cup of raw honey.
    3. 2 heaping Tbsp of cocoa powder.
    4. 1/2 cup of shredded coconut.
    5. 1 1/2 cups of oats.
    6. 9 drops of peppermint oil (or as desired).

    Whip the coconut oil and honey until well blended. Add and mix in the cocoa powder. Next, place your dry ingredients into the mixing bowl. Once well blended, be sure to drop the peppermint oil in! Spread on a cookie sheet lined with wax paper. Place in the freezer for 45 minutes, then slice into desired shape. Store in the freezer.

    Please Note: Only use therapeutic grade essential oils, as others can be toxic.

    Monday, June 11, 2012

    Allergies: Breathe Easy This Spring with Essential Oils!

    MARCH 23, 2012

    Guest-post by Satcy McDonald.

    After finally moving to a state that has four seasons, our family absolutely loves Spring time! The sky brightens, the sun warms the air, green buds appear on seemingly lifeless, grey branches. Canadian geese announce their arrival to our pond early in the morning; and flowers begin to bloom, hinting of life and the burst of color to come. Our empty vegetable garden seems to beg for new seeds—new life. Yes, we love almost everything about Spring time!
    Notice, I said almost everything. Aside from bugs, there is one other thing I don’t care for about Spring. The growth in nature always seems to bring an onslaught of allergies to our home. My husband and several of our children have always struggled this time of year. Itchy, watery, swollen eyes; runny noses; congestion that makes sleep a challenge; sneezing; coughing; headaches; and sinus pressure.
    It is likely that my husband, James, has had the most trouble. Years ago, when he travelled frequently, he was often hampered by hay fever, pain, and frequent sinus infections. He was dependent on Sudafed and other allergy meds, even though they really didn’t help all that much at all. Most of the time, he ended up with a sinus infection and a prescription for antibiotics. As much as I hated the OTC meds that were part of his regular routine, I didn’t have an alternative that worked very well.
    I dabbled some in homeopathic remedies and they did seem to help a bit. And an end to his chronic traveling made a big difference too. But the most dramatic results came from our use of essential oils.
    My almost-seven-year-old son, William, used to suffer from allergies every Spring and Fall. One morning he woke up with his face so congested that his eyes were swollen shut. Alarmed, I took him to the doctor. The doctor just shook his head and said, “Yeah, it’s tough living with allergies; just give him a Claritan.” An adult Claritan??? I was shocked. He was only four years old at the time. That’s when I knew we needed to find an alternative that really worked. There was no way I wanted to load my little one up with powerful medications if I didn’t have to.
    Therapeutic grade essential oils can be a great blessing to those who struggle with chronic or seasonal allergies! We have found that essential oils offer relief without using harmful chemicals that often mask symptoms rather than assist in healing! Of course, you want to make sure you use only therapeutic grade essential oils (CLICK HERE to learn more about what that means):
    Cypress – helps to ease breathing and suppress coughing.
    Eucalyptus Polybractea – is a powerful aid to help with congestion, headaches, and breathing.
    Lavender – helps to clear congestion, build immunity, relieve headaches, ease muscle pain, and aid in relaxation
    Lemon – helps to protect immunity, alkalize the body, and relieve excess mucous
    Myrtle – supports the immune system and reduce sinus pressure
    Peppermint – helps to ease breathing, fight infection, help congestion, and relieve headaches
    Roman Chamomile – helps to relax, as well as relieve headaches and inflammation
    Frankincense – good for congestion
    In addition to these powerful single oils, Young Living has created a few blends which we have found helpful as well…
    Breathe Again – this blend of oils is specially formulated to support respiratory health. Breathe Again contains four powerful eucalyptus oils: Eucalyptus staigeriana, Eucalyptus globulus, Eucalyptus radiata, and Young Living’s original Ecuador single, Eucalyptus blue. Eucalyptus oils contain high amounts of cineole, which has been studied for its potential to support healthy lung function. The essential oils peppermint, myrtle, and copaiba also play an integral part in this blend.
    RC – This is my favorite oil for any type of chest congestion. Highly effective and beneficial when diffused to decongest and relieve cold or allergy-type symptoms such as coughs, sore throat and lung congestion. May also be applied directly to the chest or feet. Contains: Eucalyptus globulus leaf oil, myrtus communis oil, pinus sylvestris (pine) leaf oil, origanum majorana (marjoram) leaf oil, eucalyptus radiata leaf oil, eucalyptus citriodora leaf oil, lavandula angustifolia (lavender) oil, cupressus sempervirens oil, tsuga canadensis leaf oil, and mentha piperita (peppermint) oil.
    Raven™ is a combination of deeply soothing therapeutic-grade essential oils that will provide comfort when applied topically to the chest and throat or diffused. Contains: Ravensara (Ravensara aromatica), lemon (Citrus limon), wintergreen (Gaultheria procumbens), peppermint (Mentha piperita) and Eucalyptus radiata.
    Thieves® was created based on research about four thieves in France who covered themselves with cloves, rosemary, and other aromatics while robbing plague victims. This proprietary essential oil blend was university tested for its cleansing abilities. It is highly effective in supporting the immune system and good health.

    This collection is good to have on hand at all times! Contains: Seven Blends (5ml bottles): Di-Gize™, EndoFlex™, JuvaFlex™, Melrose™, Raven™, R.C.™, and Thieves®. CD included.
    Here are some of the best ways to use these oils during allergy season…
    Simple Inhalation – Simply place a few drops in your hands, rub them together, and then breathe deeply! Add a couple of drops to a tissue, a cotton ball placed in a jar, or add essential oils to a bowl of hot water and inhale.
    Diffuse – The best way to diffuse oils is with one of the cold-air diffusers that Young Living offers!
    Topical Application – Massage can be an effective way of helping to ease the symptoms of spring allergies; or, place some of the oils on your temples, rub your hands together and inhale what is left. James likes to place a drop of peppermint in the palm of his hand, and then using a finger from the other hand, apply the oils right under his cheekbone. Be very careful to not get any oils in your eyes!
    Ingestion – (Young Living Therapeutic Grade) Peppermint, Thieves, or Frankincense – a drop in a glass of water or in a filled capsule. I like to put a drop of peppermint on the roof of my mouth. Every time I inhale I can feel the oils clearing my sinuses!My husband usually fills a capsule with 2 drops of peppermint, 2 drops of Thieves, and 1 drop of Frankincense, especially if he senses any sign of infection. Please never use lower quality oils for internal use – this can be very dangerous!
    Mightyzyme for kids
    essentialzyme 4
    Antihistamine Oils:
    Dorado Azul
    Idaho Balsam Fir
    Seasonal Allergy Oils:
    Doradao Azul
    Idaho Balsam Fir
    Breath Again
    2 drops Idaho Balsam Fir
    1 drop wintergreen
    1 drop peppermint
    Mix in hand and rub around hairline and on chest and feet.
    Remember to only use therapeutic grade essential oils for medicinal use. Synthetic oils do not contain any therapeutic properties and can be toxic. Even some oils that claim to be organic or “pure,” have no real therapeutic value. CLICK HERE to read more.
    Check your personal sensitivity to the oils by rubbing them on your feet before you apply them anywhere else. If you find you are sensitive, you can blend with a carrier oil before applying them to the skin.
    Breathe easy and enjoy your Spring!

    Thursday, June 7, 2012

    The Beauty of Lavender

    For about two years, my daughter has struggled with allergies. With an inhailer, nasal spray and allergy pill, she was still experiencing difficultly breathing while we were on vacation in Illinois a couple months ago.
    What to do when the meds don't work and your 23 hours away from your doctor and pharmacy? Why, try Lavrnder essential oil, of course! We had heard that this particular oil worked well with seasonal allergies, but had never tried it. Thankfully, I had just put in an order through Young Living Essential Oils, thus, had a bottle of it on hand! I told my daughter to put a couple of drops on her wrist and behind her ears. She did so, hesitantly, whereas the inhaler failed to aid her in breathing co
    comfortably. Within five minutes of applying Lavender behind her ears, on her wrists, a tad under her nose and inhaling it, she was able to breath again!
    I am so thankful that the Lord has given us these precious gifts and that He has given us wisdom in how to use them! Victoria, my daughter, is now off ALL of her allergy medications and applies about a drop of Lavender oil onto a Q-tip and swipe it in both nostrils (exercise caution and only go about half an inch up), daily. We are so thankful that she is not ingesting those icky chemicals that couldn't even stand up to the natural gift that the Lord has given us in Lavender essential oil.
    Please note: Be sure to only use Young Living Therapeutic-grade essential oil for allergies. Many brands sell oils that are adulterated, which means that the potency is not as high, thus, will not work as affectively.

    Monday, June 4, 2012

    Antibacterial Foaming Hand Soap

    Have you ever wanted to make all-natural hand soap? I have wanted to try but wasn't sure where to start. Here is the recipe:

    1. Fill your dispenser 1/5 full of Castile soap.
    2. Fill the rest with water. Be sure to leave room at the top for the pump.
    3. Put 10-15 drops of Thieves essential oil. This is an important step, since Thieves contains antibacterial properties. It smells great too!!
    That's all you do!!! Enjoy!

    Friday, June 1, 2012

    God's Gift of Essential Oils: What are They?


       Guest-post by Stacy McDonald

    Therapeutic grade essential oils are much more than some sort of glorified perfume. They are a healing, soothing, stress-reducing, health inducing, and downright powerful gift from God. Many oils have properties that are anti-bacterial, anti-viral, anti-fungal, anti-microbial, and the list goes on. Some are known to help coagulate blood, stimulate circulation, relieve congestion, constrict blood vessels, calm nerves, balance hormones, or reduce nausea.
    “His divine power has given to us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of Him who called us by glory and virtue…” (2 Peter 1:3)
    I can’t tell you how many testimonials I have received from ladies who are in awe and so grateful for the many ways essential oils have helped them and their families. I’ve heard from women who say essential oils have stopped Tourette’s symptoms, turned posterior babies, helped insomnia, increased breast milk supply, eased Crohn’s symptoms, soothed nausea, helped with “brain fog,” stopped bleeding, and soothed arthritis.
    But what are they? What are essential oils? And what makes them “essential?”

    Magnified photo of leaf surface taken from Secretory Structures of Aromatic and Medicinal Plants, by Svoboda & Syred, 2000.
    Essential oils are unique. They are liquid volatile organic compounds that come from the flowers, shrubs, trees, roots, and bushes that God gave us at Creation. These are aromatic oils which have been carefully extracted through steam distillation or cold expression, and are highly concentrated.
    Most essential oils are extracted from a specific plant part. For instance, Frankincense comes from the resin scraped off the Frankincense tree. Sandalwood comes from the precious heartwood of the sandalwood tree. Other essential oils, like lavender or jasmine, are distilled from flowers. Geranium is distilled from the leaves and stems of the plant; and lemon, orange, and grapefruit oils are cold pressed from the peel of the fruit.

    On the other hand, fatty oils like olive oil, coconut oil, almond oil, and other vegetable or nut oils are not essential oils. Fatty oils are very different. They are not aromatic and they are not volatile. “Volatile” means “passing off readily in the form of vapor.” Literally, the oil molecules of essential oils leap into the air; that’s what makes them aromatic.
    According to Dr. David Stewart PhD, the molecules of essential oils are tiny enough to penetrate through human skin, enter the blood stream, and pass through the blood-brain barrier. In his book, Healing Oils of the Bible, he describes how all of the molecules of essential oils are “tiny enough to act as chemical messengers, unlocking the receptor sites of cells, and communicating with cellular intelligence at the level of the DNA.”
    Nut and vegetable oils can’t do this. They are not aromatic or volatile. Also, their long chain molecules are too large to penetrate the skin to any great depth; so, they can’t pass through the microscopic portals that lead into intracellular space at all. They’re very nutritious, and have numerous health benefits when used orally, so keep eating them (virgin coconut oil, unfiltered olive oil, avocado oil, grape seed oil, flax seed oil and more). They’re also very good for massage and for dry, chapped skin, but they really have no other therapeutic value when used topically.
    “Because of the tiny molecular structure of the components of an essential oil they are extremely concentrated. One drop contains approximately 40 million-trillion molecules. Numerically that is a 4 with 19 zeros after it. (40,000,000,000,000,000,000) We have one hundred trillion cells in our bodies, that’s a lot. But one drop of essential oil contains enough molecules to cover every cell in our body with 40,000 molecules. Considering that it only takes one molecule of the right kind to open the receptor site and communicate with the DNA to alter cellular function, you can see why even one drop or inhaling a small amount of oil vapor can have profound effects on the body, brain, and emotions.” – Healing Oils of the Bible David Stewart Ph.D
    The “Life” of the Plant
    So, what is it that makes an oil “essential?” An oil is “essential” in the sense that it carries a distinctive scent, or essence, of the plant. Sometimes essential oils are referred to as the “life blood” or the “living energy” of the plant. That’s because essential oils are to a plant what blood is to the human body. They transport fundamental nutrients and chemical constituents necessary to feed, nurture and heal the cells of the plant. Literally, essential oils are the living part, or the “life”, of the plant.
    Because medicinal herbs and plants were created by God for healing, they can serve similar functions in the human body (Psalm 139:14). Plants were spoken into existence at Creation as gifts for us; and all of God’s gifts are good and beneficial when used for His glory!
    God is our ultimate provider. In Genesis 22:14, He is called Jehovah Jireh, which is Hebrew for “the Lord will provide.” When we sing the doxology, we “praise God from whom all blessings flow.” In James 1:17 we’re reminded that “Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights.”
    Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers. (3 John 2)
    In the Beginning…

    We know this from the make-up of the atmosphere, the precise distance we are from the sun, the fresh water we receive from the sky, the fruits and vegetables that grow specifically for our nourishment. All these things were planned by a loving Father to provide for His children.
    And it wasn’t just for food that God gave us living growing plants. We learn in Ezekiel 47:12 that “their fruit will be for food, and their leaves for medicine.”
    And in Psalm 104, we’re taught that “He causes the grass to grow for the cattle, and vegetation for the service of man…” For the service of man! God gifted us (and our animals) with vegetation that we are to use for food, as well as for medicine.
    In His mercy and sovereignty, the Lord has provided us remedies for our ailments. Throughout Scripture, we see the use of aromatic oils—essential oils. Did you know that out of 66 books of the Bible, 46 books mention essential oils or the aromatic plants that we get essential oils from? Myrrh, Aloes (which is sandalwood), Cassia, Cedarwood, Cypress, Hyssop, Frankincense and Myrrh are all mentioned—plus many more.
    Are Essential Oils New Age?
    Though many natural methods of healing, including essential oils, have been hijacked by New Agers and Mystics, we can see throughout Scripture how essential oils were used by God’s people in worship; for anointing the sick; for gladness; for giving as precious gifts; to refresh guests; and for anointing kings, prophets, and even Jesus Himself! Essential oils were appreciated and valued as a precious commodity. We must not hand over our gifts to the heathen; we need to take dominion!).

    Frankincense and Myrrh, as well as gold, were brought to Jesus by the wise men. In the Gospels, the Samaritan used medicinal oils to tend to the wounds of his neighbor; and we see Mary use the precious oil, Spikenard, to anoint Jesus before He was crucified.
    Here’s something interesting: Spikenard has the most powerful sedative action in aromatherapy and it’s often recommended for stress relief. It’s well known for calming nerves and easing anxiety. I have to wonder if that isn’t why Mary thought to bring this particular essential oil to Jesus. What a thoughtful gift to give during such a horribly stressful time!
    “The compounds comprising plant oils were spoken into existence when God created plants. These compounds are imbued with God’s Word and God’s intelligence, which is not measured in a laboratory, nor by any physical instrument…Synthetic compounds may be copies of the formulas of compounds found in essential oils, but they are lacking the subtle energies contained in natural substances. Those who apply essential oils for healing soon learn that only pure, natural, complete, and unadulterated oils bring about healing, while synthetic oils, or oils adulterated by synthetic compounds, do not.” – David Steward, PhD, DNM, IASP
    I have often wondered why so many ancient treasures, precious oils that used to be so highly valued, are no longer used or appreciated to the same extent in our modern day. While I don’t know the complete answer to this question, I do know that synthetic drugs (which can be patented) attempt to duplicate the intricate healing nature of the natural medicines that God gave us (Isaiah 55:8–11) in herbs, flowers, and resins (which cannot be patented).
    Drug Store Junkies
    I believe it’s important that we embrace all of God’s gifts with an eye on His Providence. While there is definitely a place for pharmaceutical drugs in certain instances (especially emergencies), they are rarely helpful for chronic illness, since they do not have the ability to actually heal. They may help control symptoms, but true healing requires restoration. For instance, amputating a gangrene leg is not “healing” the body; though it certainly may be necessary to save the life of the victim.
    Rather than suppress the immune system, disrupt other bodily functions, or simply offer relief by concealing symptoms, properly administered natural methods of healing support and stimulate the immune system to help the body to actually heal itself, which it was designed to do.
    Throughout known history, people have recognized the powerful healing properties of medicinal plants. So, why are we rejecting God’s good gifts now?
    Asa became diseased in his feet, and his malady was severe; yet in his disease he did not seek the LORD, but the physicians. So Asa rested with his fathers; he died… 2 Chronicles 16:12–13
    It is important that we utilize the various avenues God has given us for healing, and that we don’t place anything, including man and his almighty science, above God and His wisdom (2 Chronicles 16:12–13). Prayer, herbs, essential oils, various other alternative methods of healing, surgery, and allopathic medicine are all good gifts at our disposal; but, seeking God’s wisdom and pursuing Him in prayer is critical. Health and healing to the glory of God!
    As you can see, essential oils are indeed useful tools meant for our service (Psalm 104:14). They are good gifts given to us from our gracious and merciful God—gifts that can be used in numerous ways to deal with our everyday weaknesses, and even to help further the Kingdom of God. Remember to thank Him today for all of the good gifts He has given us.



    I'm enjoying finding ways to keep a chemical free home and taking care of my family's needs in a healthy way. That's why Young Living has been such a blessing in my life. With their quality, therapeutic grade essential oils, I know that I am providing safe and wholesome products for my family. Whether I am applying Lavender oil to my son's boo boo, or adding a drop or two of Thieves onto a pair of little feet, I know that I am doing my family a favor.