Thursday, June 7, 2012

The Beauty of Lavender

For about two years, my daughter has struggled with allergies. With an inhailer, nasal spray and allergy pill, she was still experiencing difficultly breathing while we were on vacation in Illinois a couple months ago.
What to do when the meds don't work and your 23 hours away from your doctor and pharmacy? Why, try Lavrnder essential oil, of course! We had heard that this particular oil worked well with seasonal allergies, but had never tried it. Thankfully, I had just put in an order through Young Living Essential Oils, thus, had a bottle of it on hand! I told my daughter to put a couple of drops on her wrist and behind her ears. She did so, hesitantly, whereas the inhaler failed to aid her in breathing co
comfortably. Within five minutes of applying Lavender behind her ears, on her wrists, a tad under her nose and inhaling it, she was able to breath again!
I am so thankful that the Lord has given us these precious gifts and that He has given us wisdom in how to use them! Victoria, my daughter, is now off ALL of her allergy medications and applies about a drop of Lavender oil onto a Q-tip and swipe it in both nostrils (exercise caution and only go about half an inch up), daily. We are so thankful that she is not ingesting those icky chemicals that couldn't even stand up to the natural gift that the Lord has given us in Lavender essential oil.
Please note: Be sure to only use Young Living Therapeutic-grade essential oil for allergies. Many brands sell oils that are adulterated, which means that the potency is not as high, thus, will not work as affectively.

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