Peppermint Turns Baby!
“I just wanted to tell you about what happened today at my visit with the midwife. All week, the baby had been been moving a lot, and it was almost painful because of how low it was. The midwife said that the baby was laying sideways, with hands and feet towards my cervix. I had brought my oils because she was interested in them last time I told her about them.
“I remembered about the peppermint turning a breech baby, so she said I ought to just try it and see what happened. I applied the oil as described in your post, then we talked for a few minutes. She went back to check the heart rate and measure me, and she said that the baby was head down. She was amazed. I was relieved, because the painful kicking on my cervix had stopped! I have enjoyed the rest of the afternoon and evening without feeling like my water was going to break. I am very excited to know this works, in case we have a problem in the future!” – Brooke G.
ADD/ADHD and Essential Oils
“Our son struggles with ADHD and I’m always on the lookout for ways to help him. My husband and I decided to begin our essential oil adventure with the Start Living with Everyday Oils Kit from Young Living and plan to add oils to our natural medicine cabinet as we are able. To our delight we found that a combination of three of the oils in the kit has eliminated the need for his afternoon dose of medication! We use a drop of lavender on his chest, a drop of Valor on the inside of each wrist, and a drop of Peace and Calming on the bottom of each foot. ANOTHER bonus we have discovered is this same combination helps our sleep-fighting-three-year-old settle down at nap time and in the evening and eases her into sleep.” – Lori
One mom helps her son who has Crohn’s and Osteoarthritis
“My son finally got his back brace! And, he is getting a new walker to start building the muscles to be able to walk without crutches or be on a wheelchair.
I want to tell you our experience with the oils. Excellent! We love them! I’ve been using PanAway with Frankincense to ease the pain and inflammation. My son’s knees are very bad when it rains or snows, so I rub the Frankincense first, then PanAway. I wrap it with an elastic bandage over night, and he doesn’t get up in the middle of the night complaining of pain. Praise God!
I rub some peppermint on his stomach as well to help with his bathroom visits, I haven’t heard him wake up during the night for that. Before we all go to bed, we rub the Peace & calming, we pray, and we sleep like babies. I haven’t slept well in a long time, but now my sleep is so much more peaceful. Thank you Stacy for your help, and may the Lord keep blessing you and your family. – Laura
Essential Oils Convince Skeptical Husband!
So far we have used Lavender, Thieves, and Peppermint. The peppermint sold us! Our six year old caught that nasty flu bug that’s been going around. He had a temp of nearly 104 so I put a couple of drops of peppermint oil on the bottom of both of his feet and a drop on his chest. I was a little nervous because he has had a fever spike in the past and gone into a Febrile Seizure. We always keep children Tylenol on hand for that reason and would dose him with it whenever he got even a low grade fever.
So I prayed while applying the oil and I was amazed with the results! Within ten minutes his legs began cooling and in twenty-five minutes I took his temp again and it was down to 102.3!! I kept applying the peppermint every 2-3 hours and by bed time his temp was down to 99.2 and by morning his fever was completely gone! My husband’s response was …this is only one time so *maybe* it was the oils. We got to test peppermint again yesterday when our eight year old caught the bug and had a low grade fever. I prayed and applied the oil as I had previously and his fever didn’t get higher and a couple of hours before bed the fever was gone!
I think hubby is starting to become a believer now. I also gave him thieves for his throat and since we don’t have our diffuser yet used the Thieves spray you sent us all over the house. This morning our son is a little weak , but well!
Our eight year old is like his mama…has a hard time getting to sleep at night. He *loves* lavender and it works really well for him… within 5-10 minutes after getting into bed he’s sound asleep! – Judy in California
Immediate Results!
We’ve had our oils for about 24 hours, now, and we’re already reaping their benefits! Besides smelling WONDERFUL, we’ve discovered a combination to help our sleep-fighting 3-year-old relax and fall asleep. We’ve also seen a reduction in our son’s “elevated afternoons” due to ADHD symptoms. Our 16-year-old daughter says she’s hooked! Thank you for sharing these oils with us! – Lori in Ohio
Lavender and Geranium – a MUST for the First Aid Cabinet
I had a collision with my son recently and my hand was cut pretty badly. I was coming out of the dining room holding a mason jar and a coffee cup. My 15 yo was running around the corner and slammed into me (yes, he was running in the house and I think he has finally learned his lesson). The cup in one hand smashed into the mason jar in my other hand and the broken glass was shoved into the palm of my hand.
I used geranium to stop the bleeding. I continued throughout the day using lavender to heal the cut and minimize the bruising. By the next day, I was able to remove the bandage – the bruising was completely gone, and the cut was sealed and already much smaller.
In addition, I had trouble removing the glue from the tape I used to secure the gauze pad on my hand. So I rubbed a little lavender oil over the stuck-on glue and it came right off!
- A mom in Illinois
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