Monday, January 28, 2013
Saturday, January 26, 2013
Mom's Medicine Bag
Mom’s Medicine Bag
OCTOBER 29, 2012
Guest post by: Stacy Mcdonald
Most moms find it important to have a well-stocked medicine cabinet. That’s probably why I get this important questions so often, “If I’m going all natural, which oils are the most important for me to start with?”
Of course, I suggest everyone start with the Everyday Oils Collection. The 9 most popular and most often used oils that Young Living carry (plus more) are included in this premium starter kit. That’s why I feature this particular collection in my “How to Get Started” special offer. However, there are a few more oils that I consider must-haves.
Which ones? Whether you’re stocking “Mom’s Medicine Cabinet” for home, or “Mom’s Medicine Bag” for on-the go, you’ll want to make sure you have the following oils and blends on hand at all times!
Depending on your personalized health care needs, there are plenty of additional oils you’ll want to have on hand; however, the following singles and blends are the oils (and essential oil-infused supplements) I consider most important for every home medicine bag/cabinet. And be sure to keep reading because I have a plan that will help you stock it, even if you’re on a tight budget!
Suggested Wish List
- M-Grain (wonderful for headaches and migraines, especially when used in combination with peppermint)
- RC (good rubbed on the chest or diffused during a cough or congestion in chest)
- Raven (I diffuse this in our bedrooms at night during a cough or cold)
- Di-Gize (I have this on hand for diarrhea, constipation, or nausea.
- Deep Relief (Good for sore muscles, arthritis, and joint pain. Excellent for children’s growing pains!)
- NingXia Red (Immune-boosting juice. Drink 1-2 oz. per day. Great to use when fighting sickness. Also, really helped with my husband’s familial tremors and my adrenal fatigue)
- Geranium (Cold sores, water filled blisters, bruising, nose bleeds, hemorrhoids, and varicosities. It is included in my homemade bruise spray) Read HERE to find out why we love geranium so much!)
- Cypress (Hemorrhoids, varicosities, circulation. It is also included in my homemade bruise spray)
- Helichrysum (Many important uses, including cell regeneration, hearing issues, and fading scars. Known for its anti-spasmomotic properties)
- Sleep Essence (essential oil infused caplets)
- RutaVala (roll-on that is good for stress or trouble sleeping)
- Breath Again (roll-on that is good to have on hand during a cold or allergies)
- Inner Defense (caplets: anti-bacterial and anti-viral properties)
- ImmuPro (chewable, when you need an extra immunity boost)
- Oregano Oregano oil has some amazing anti-bacterial properties. This oil will become very important as bacteria becomes more and more resistant to antibiotics! Unlike antibiotics, which blindly kill all bacteria, good or bad, oregano oil (which was spoken into existence at Creation when God created the plants) knows to attack only harmful bacteria – it won’t kill the good bacteria. God’s gifts are amazing! “Their fruit will be for food, and their leaves for medicine.” (Ezekiel 47:12)
- Vetiver Vetiver has a calming and soothing effect on the central nervous system and is a wonderful oil to help quiet an overactive, exhausted, or stressed mind. It is also said to be a good choice in helping to control anger, irritability, or neurotic behavior, as well as helping with insomnia. Many people have had excellent results using this oil on children with ADD/ADHD, OCD, anxiety, or sensory issues.
- Cedarwood A wonderfully fresh, woody oil to diffuse in the home to reduce stress.
- Dragon Time This blend is a must for a household full of women like ours! Helps ease PMS symptoms
- Progessence Helps a woman’s body to naturally balance hormones
The most economical way to purchase essential oils is through Young Living’s Essential Rewards program. It doesn’t cost anything extra to join, and this way you get discounted shipping and earn points for FREE oils each month. So, the best way to stock your medicine cabinet is to first sit down and figure out a budget.
Decide how much you’re willing and able to invest each month in your family’s health.Once you’ve done that, start your “wish list.” List all the oils you hope to have in your stash in the order you hope to have them. Check the prices, and plug them in to each month’s Essential Rewards order.
Whether you plan to budget $50.00 or $100.00 per month, remember, in the long run, a healthy family costs less money! And, in addition to Young Living’s superior quality essential oils, they also carry essential oil-based personal care products, supplements, and cleaning products. So, if you practice a little replacement buying, you can earn even more free oils quickly!
Using an approximate monthly budget of $100.00, and using my oil suggestions above, here’s an example of a six month plan to stock the above items:
November: M-Grain, Geranium, R.C.
December: Raven, Deep Relief, DiGize, Inner Defense
January: ImmuPro, 2 Bottles NingXia Red
February: RutaVala, Breath Again, Oregano, Sleep Essence
March: Vetiver, Helichrysum
April: Cypress, Cedarwood, Dragon Time, Progessence
December: Raven, Deep Relief, DiGize, Inner Defense
January: ImmuPro, 2 Bottles NingXia Red
February: RutaVala, Breath Again, Oregano, Sleep Essence
March: Vetiver, Helichrysum
April: Cypress, Cedarwood, Dragon Time, Progessence
With the above plan, at the end of six months, you will have a stocked medicine cabinet, as well as points worth $62.00 in FREE oils.* If you need help with your monthly plan, or if you have questions about Essential Rewards and earning points, please feel free to contact me to schedule a chat!
*This is 10% of what you spent, but after you’ve been on the Essential Rewards program for a year, you begin to earn 20%. And, if you watch for specials like Young Living had for the months of October-December, you could even earn double points!
Friday, January 25, 2013
$40.00 in FREE oils...and MORE!!!!
$40.00 in FREE oils…and MORE!!!!
JANUARY 17, 2013
guest post by: stacy mcdonald
guest post by: stacy mcdonald
Have you been wanting to weed out chemicals and unnecessary pharmaceuticals in your household? Have you felt the need to go more natural? Have you been putting off signing up as a wholesale customer, which would allow you to get serious about using essential oils to improve your family’s health? Well, NOW is the time to do it!
From now until February 28, anyone who signs up with one of Young Living’s premium starter kits will receive the extra incentive of $40.00 in FREE oils! And, if you sign up under me, that’s in addition to the Essential Oil Reference book that I will personally purchase for you! What are you waiting for? For more information on how to become a wholesale member CLICK HERE!
Or, go directly to the sign up page by clicking HERE and choosing the Start Living with Everyday Oils starter kit.
Oh! And WAIT! In addition to all the free stuff you already get, for the month of January, when you spend at least 239 PV, you’ll get the following FREE Transformation kit with 5-ml Idaho balsam fir,Motivation™, Transformation™, Abundance™, and peppermint essential oils in a beautiful organza bag—that is a retail value of $153.94!
$40.00 in free oils – OFFER DETAILS:
- Offer is valid from 12 midnight, MT, January 15, 2013, to 11:59 p.m., MT, February 28, 2013.
- Please allow up to five business days for product credit to post to your account.
- Limit of one $40 product credit per qualifying enrollment.
- Offer is available to new Young Living Independent Distributors only.
- PV minimum must be reached in a single order. Partial orders placed throughout the qualifying month cannot be combined in order to receive the product credit.
- PV is not earned on free product.
- Offer is valid on phone and online orders only.
- Offer is valid in the U.S. and all NFR markets, except where restrictions prevent promotional product(s) from entering your country.
- Member is responsible for shipping costs associated with ordered product.
Cough Syrup
Lemon Thyme Homemade Cough Syrup
DECEMBER 14, 2012
Guest Post by: Stacy McDonald

1/2 C Honey (preferably raw, local honey)*
1/4 C. Brandy
10 Drops Young Living’s Lemon Essential Oil
6 Drops Young Living’s Thieves Essential Oil Blend
4 Thyme Essential Oil
1/4 C. Brandy
10 Drops Young Living’s Lemon Essential Oil
6 Drops Young Living’s Thieves Essential Oil Blend
4 Thyme Essential Oil
Combine honey and Brandy in a small pot and heat over low heat until the honey is runny and the two ingredients are combined. Allow to cool for 5 minutes. Pour into desired storage bottle and add essential oils. Shake well before use. Serve 1-2 teaspoons to your family as needed!
Tiffany’s Morning Cough Syrup (non-alcoholic)
1 C Honey (preferably raw, local honey)*
1/4 C Organic Apple Cider Vinegar
30 Drops Young Living’s Lemon Essential Oil
30 Drops Young Living’s Thieves Essential Oil Blend
1/4 C Organic Apple Cider Vinegar
30 Drops Young Living’s Lemon Essential Oil
30 Drops Young Living’s Thieves Essential Oil Blend
Combine honey and vinegar in a small pot and heat over low heat until the honey is runny and the two ingredients are combined. Allow to cool for 5 minutes. Pour into desired storage bottle and add essential oils. Shake well before use. Serve 1-2 teaspoons to your family as needed!
*Infants under a year old should not consume honey, as it may cause infant botulism, a rare but potentially fatal illness.
Tuesday, January 22, 2013
Do you struggle with Tendinitis aka Tennis Elbow????

Ah, Sleep. It's Wonderful!
Guest post by: Stacy McDonald.
Is Sleep Really Overrated?
JULY 7, 2012
It is vain for you to rise up early, to sit up late, to eat the bread of sorrows; for so He gives His beloved sleep. Psalm 127:2
You may have heard the seemingly humorous statement, “Sleep is overrated.” Yet, we all know the truth: Sleep is crucial! Even Scripture tells us that sleep is a gift from God.
Sleep provides needed rest and physical and mental restoration. Through it, we set aside stress and our energy is renewed for the coming day. When we have sufficient sleep, we are better prepared for what God has for us to do.
Sleep helps us to recover from the impact the daily pressures of life have on our bodies—pressures that sometimes result in excessive cortisol and norepinephrine production. Left unchecked, these imbalances can cause all sorts of physical and emotional health problems. A lack of sleep may lower the immune system, bring about illness, cause anxiety, and even exacerbate the aging process. Perhaps that is why some say they need their “beauty sleep.”
As much as we try to avoid stress, the pressures and responsibilities of life often continue to increase, resulting in less sleep. Sleep deprivation is epidemic in our society. It is estimated that 65% of Americans get less than the recommended eight hours of sleep each night.
And, for many, when they do finally roll into bed, their minds are still going. Some people literally just can’t get to sleep.
The consequences of sleep deprivation may include decreased concentration and cloudy memories; irritability and depression; slow reaction time and trouble communicating; weight gain (or loss) and tremors; adrenal fatigue and even hormone imbalance. Long term sleep deprivation can also lead to high blood pressure and heart disease.
So, what can you do to find release—to finally find sleep? If you are proactive, there are ways to make sleep more likely.
Sweet Sleep and Sacred Rest
Eat healthy and drink plenty of water during the day. My husband loves to put a drop or two of therapeutic grade peppermint essential oil in his water each day. This gives him clarity as he works on his sermons, and it has helped him cut down on his caffeine intake considerably! I believe it has also helped his allergies to subside.
Find time to walk or exercise during the day. A morning and/or evening walk is a good way to get your blood circulating, and a healthy way to wind down at the end of the day. Daily exercise helps prepare your body for action, and also for a good night’s rest.
Don’t eat anything heavy before going to bed. You want your body at rest, not busy digesting food. If you crave a meal late at night, consider drinking a glass of water with a drop of therapeutic grade lemon essential oil in it to help alkalize your stomach. Or try a cup of Slique Tea.
Stay away from coffee or chocolate later in the day. Caffeine will not help you rest. Turn off your television and pick up a book. Consider using a diffuser with a restful oil blend. Sacred Mountain blend, Lavender, Frankincense, or Harmony blend are some great choices. By the way, Young Living has introduced a new home diffuser! You can check it out HERE.
Take time for a warm, relaxing bath. Add a few drops of Lavender or Sensation essential oil blend to a handful of Epsom salts and release into the warm water. Have your spouse give you a shoulder massage with Valor or Sensation. Massage a few drops into your feet as well. This is a great natural sleep aid.
Peace and Calming on the feet is a great choice as well, especially for children. Also, consider having some Sleep Essence on hand. Sleep Essence (gel caps) is a natural sleep aid that contains four therapeutic grade essential oils: Lavender, Valerian, Vetiver, Mandarin, and Rue. Each of these oils are known for promoting a restful night’s sleep. Sleep Essence also contains melatonin, a naturally occurring hormone known to promote sleep.
Another great sleep promoting blend is Rutavala (contains Lavender, Valerian, and Ruta). It also comes in a handy roll on, which is great for travel!
Sleep is not overrated; it is required for the maintenance of our bodies and minds. We can do so much more when we have sufficient rest.
As I’ve said many times, God has given us the gift of essential oils for our use. He is a good God who cares for His people. So, give Him thanks as you use the good gifts that He has given you!
By the way, if you are interested in these powerful oils, consider becoming a wholesale customer, so you can get the best value possible! CLICK HERE to find out how!
Note: The information provided in this article is for educational purposes only. It is not intended to prescribe, diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. It is your responsibility to educate yourself and address any health or medical needs you may have with your physician. Please seek professional help when needed.
The essential oils referenced in this article are therapeutic grade and labeled as supplements. Please do not use cheaper brands of essential oils internally, as some are toxic.
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