Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Evaluating Quality

Use this check list to evaluate the quality of your essential oils…

DECEMBER 2, 2012

Guest post by: stacy mcdonald
Most essential oils on the market are not “therapeutic grade,” and most are not 100% pure, regardless of how they are labeled. The problem is that these terms are not regulated by anyone. So, all we can do is tell you what WE mean when we use the term “therapeutic grade,” and then invite you to compare that definition to other companies. In fact, as far as I know, Young Living (YL) is the only company that has its own farms and distilleries, so that right there disqualifies other companies.
It is important to be very careful because many essential oils on the market are actually toxic, since some contain synthetic fragrances, or they are cut with other chemicals.
Here are a few red flags to check for on a bottle of essential oils. If you see these terms, beware:
1. DO NOT INGEST – If a bottle of food-based oils (cinnamon, peppermint, oregano etc.) is labeled this way, that is a red flag to me. YL oils labeled as “supplements” are GRAS (generally regarded as safe) for internal consumption by the the FDA.
2. DO NOT APPLY TO SKIN UNDILUTED  – Certain “spicy” oils should be diluted, but many YL oils can be applied neat (undiluted). If a mild oil like lavender or frankincense has this type of warning I would beware.
3. $$$ - Quality essential oils cost a lot of money to grow and distill. If a bottle of lavender costs you $5.00, you can bet it is either cut with a carrier oil (which means you’re getting ripped off) or it’s very poor quality.
4. EXPIRATION DATE – Properly stored essential oils (excluding citrus) do not go bad. If an essential oil has an expiration date, it probably means it is cut with a carrier oil (which will eventually go rancid).
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